Our world is evolving at an ever-increasing rate with new trends. Technology-wise, we now have airpods, smartwatches, and security systems accessible on our mobile devices. Graphic design is no different. Just as the fashion industry goes from one fad to the next (You’d better re-think that leopard print shirt!), so too does graphic art styles.

If you want to be competitive in your market, you’d best stay on top of the latest design trends. We’ll take a peek into upcoming trends we predict will be hot for this tech-driven year of 2020.

Collage Style

Back when you were a kid in school, did you ever cut out magazine pictures and paste them on a poster board to create a one-of-a-kind hodgepodge?  You’ll see it in graphic design as well. There is a certain appeal in paper-cut illustrations that gives off a vibe of authenticity to your viewers.

Bolder Text

We anticipate heavier typefaces as designers strive for engagement in a sea of competitors. Large text is easier to read and more impactful–expressing power, confidence and influence. Brush scripts will continue to rise popularity as well as custom fonts made specifically for the brand.

Geometric Shapes & Lines

Designs made up of shapes and lines was wildly popular in 2019, and we expect this trend will continue to evolve in 2020. The style is reminiscent of our ever-growing age of technology and digital lifestyle. Lines form the basic patterns of design and can bring a simplistic edginess to modern designs. The sky is the limit when it comes to the blends of lines, solid colour, and gradients that can be superimposed on one artboard to form a unique and stunning design.

Ultra Bright Colours

Vivid colours are in again, with every colour of the rainbow uncovered in these striking designs. Bright, contrasting colours will always capture attention more than dull pastels.  Duotone colour palettes maintain their popularity in addition to those gorgeous gradients we find in art sponsored by Apple, Instagram and  Spotify.


On the flip side, you’ll see vintage styles continue to make a comeback from pretty much any time frame. You may notice the retro colours of the 70’s (think maroon, tan and pea-green) or an Art Deco style design such as this lovely restaurant logo. Designers will combine these former styles with modern designs to create something absolutely unique and exceptional.


More and more companies are turning to hand-drawn illustrations for the authentic flair it delivers to their products. You’ll find this style is frequently juxtaposed with photographs in a unique and harmonious way. Check out this mixed media art at it’s finest.

Liquid Art

In contrast to geometric shapes, liquid shaped graphics give off a creative vibe with their smooth ambiguous edges. You will commonly see this art as bright gradients and patterns with dots, triangles and other shapes.


Animated logos, text and graphics on websites have recently become a staple in website design and will remain popular in 2020.  Dynamic graphics animation can transform a boring website into a sleek, engaging one.